Skytek participate in Marine-EO

Maritime “Awareness” is a top priority for Europe. It is sought either in regards of maritime security, border control against irregular immigration and safety of navigation or in regards of the marine environment and climate change. Marine-EO aims at procuring the development of demand-driven EO-based services, adopted on open standards, bringing incremental or radical innovations in the field of maritime awareness and leveraging on the existing Copernicus Services and other products from the Copernicus portfolio.

Skytek with our partners GMV and Hidromod are currently developing the phase 2 where a prototype system is being developed under thematic area 2 Copernicus Security. To support this activity Skytek was in attendance at the GMV facility in Madrid for the execution of the laboratory factory acceptance tests (FAT) where the core features were presented and tested. More information on this thematic area and objectives are available at

EU H2020 PCP Marine-EO Project

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